Saturday, August 14, 2010

Risk of abortion

1. Method of suction (suction curettage)

How to abort content with this technique is medically permitted only for gestational age of less than two months. In accordance with its name, the technique used for the abortionist is a way to suck the fetus in the womb. That many abortion techniques performed on young pregnancy is using strong-powered suction machine with a sharp tip.

For the abortionist, end suction machine is inserted into the uterus through the cervix which had previously been open. After the tool into the uterus and then the machine is turned on and draining the fetal parts into the machine. In this technique abortionist baby's body into a mess and would be interested in the placenta from the uterine wall.

After the process of abortion is found to be the result of suctioning blood, amniotic fluid, placenta and fetus parts in containers such as bottles connected with a vacuum machine.

How to abort content with this technique is not something that has no risk. If not careful, end suction devices can either suck the lining of the uterus and lead to his torn uterine wall. In cases of fatal bleeding can occur very powerful and can be ended by surgical removal of the uterus. In addition to these risks abortionist on technique with suction can occur post-abortion complications such as infection caused by the remaining portion of the placenta are left in the uterus in the process of suctioning.

2. D&C method

How to abort content with this technique is medically permitted only for two months of pregnancy. In accordance with its name, the technique used for the abortionist is by doing the cutting the uterus to remove the fetus and placenta.

Technically for the abortionist in this way is used a sharp knife for cutting steel. Prior to conducting the process of abortion, your cervix will be opened by force to insert the knife. After the knife to enter into the uterus, the medical experts will do the cutting on the body of the fetus into smaller parts.

After the fetus subsequently cut into small pieces placenta from the uterine wall will be cleaned thoroughly. Usually the process of abortion with this technique will spend more blood because of the cutting process. The possibility of post-abortion complications were also higher. Complications often occur to lead to bladder problems.

3. Using capsules Roussell-Uclaf (RU-486)

How to abort content with this technique is medically permitted only for two months of pregnancy. In accordance with its name, the process of abortion is done by taking RU 486 capsules.

Technically, this capsule uses two synthetic hormones (mifepristone and misoprostol), which will trigger chemically induced in 5-9 weeks gestation. How to abort the capsule contents with RU 486 inhibits the hormone progesterone is therefore no nutrients into the placenta and fetus. Thus, the fetus does not receive food and not well developed.

After some time after taking RU 486 capsules is typically a woman will be given an injection of hormones that trigger uterine contractions prostaglanding so the fetus apart from the womb. After the fetus apart from the woman's uterus will be checked again to determine whether the abortion has been accomplished with perfect or not. If abortion had not occurred to perfection, then performed surgery to remove the embryo and placenta from the rest of the uterus,

According to statistical records, techniques abortionist with the use of RU 486 capsules can cause a woman experiences heavy bleeding, dizziness, nausea, vomiting to result in death. Several other cases it was noted that the use of these capsules can cause heart attacks.

Engineering abortionist with a capsule was RU 486 alone did not affect ongoing pregnancy but can affect the pregnancy (wanted) the next. A mother may experience spontaneous abortion up to the threat of having a baby defects caused by damage to the mother's hormone system.

4. Injection of Methotrexate (MTX)

How to abort content with this technique is medically permitted only for gestational age of less than two months. In accordance with its name, the process of abortion performed by injecting drug MTX in pregnant women.

Technically, abortion procedures with methotrexate injection method is the same as RU 486, the difference between this drug is injected directly into the body of the mother. Once injected in the body, folic acid will neutralize MTX is important for fetal growth. These drugs also suppress the growth of the placenta so that the placenta can no longer function as suppliers of food to the fetus. Apart from that MTX would also suppress the production of the hormone HCG and Progrsteron thus trigger a miscarriage.

Unlike the use of RU 486 capsules, how abortionist with this technique may take up to a maximum of 42 days, depending on the level of immune pregnant women. Medical records states never occur a case in which a woman to bleed continuously in 42 days and the fetus was able to get out / fall anytime. After 42 days the pregnant woman will be asked to come back to the abortion clinic to be checked whether the complete abortion has occurred or not.

If necessary, medical action will be taken in the form of surgery to remove the fetus from the womb. Actually the use of MTX in some countries is rarely used for abortion purposes. This is because MTX is more toxic and side effects is very difficult to predict.

Use of MTX side effects include headaches, pain, diarrhea, blurred vision, and a more serious was a bone marrow depression, blood deficiency, liver damage, and lung disease. MTX itself was originally used to suppress cancer growth is not used to perform abortion.

5. Method of Dilatation and Evacuation (D & E)

How to abort content with cutting techniques and the appointment was only allowed to be medically for a maximum of 24 weeks gestation. Similar to the abortionist uses the D & C technique, the technique is used pliers forceps with sharp edges to tear the fetus and fetal parts of the body clamped.

Technically speaking medical personnel who perform abortion are going to enter into the womb of pliers and rip the fetus uses the sharp edges. After that the fetus will be clamped and removed over and over again until the uterus is clean.

Because at this gestational age fetal bone and skull had begun to harden, the risk of damaging the lining of the uterus when the bone has become a big spending and result in injury to the uterine wall. Just like how other abortionist, the risks that exist when the abortionist with this technique is the occurrence of infection in the uterus which ended on surgical removal of the uterus.

6. Poisons Method of Salt (Saline Salt Poisoned)

How to abort content with this technique is medically permitted only for 16 weeks of gestation. Unlike other techniques abortionist, this technique uses a toxic fluid for abortionist.

Technically, abortion process happens by way of poisoning the amniotic fluid. Because this method uses amniotic fluid to poison the water course in this way can only be done after sufficient amniotic formed to include a fetus. Before entering the poison salt (saline) medics will take up to 250 ml of amniotic fluid and then replace it with a solution of salt concentration a toxic earlier.

Fetus during that time have learned to breathe and swallow the poison concentrates and there was poisoning process which ended in abortion. Shortly after the liquid is injected into fetal skin would burn in one hour and then dying fetus in the womb. After 35 hours from the time of initial injection, the mother will give birth to a dead fetus with black flames.

How to abort the content of this salt injection technique also provides the wearer side effects in women, called "consumption coagulopathy" (uncontrolled blood clotting throughout the body). The risk of abortion is bleeding and the incidence of serious adverse effects on the central nervous system. Sudden heart attack, coma, or death may also be produced by injecting saline solution through the vascular system.

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