Monday, August 9, 2010

Preventing Pregnancy

Who needs the prevention of pregnancy?
How do I prevent pregnancy?
How do I postpone pregnancy?
What is the most effective way to prevent pregnancy?
Why pregnancy should be prevented?

For those who are married, to prevent pregnancy may be one way to plan a family like the family planning program. Preventing pregnancy course provides an opportunity for mothers to recover from pregnancy and giving mothers the opportunity to breastfeed and care for children up to be more independent.

Ironically some of these teens also need information about how to prevent pregnancy. How not so much free sex behaviors that can be found today. Evidenced by the rampant child porn videos and pictures high school porn in big cities such as Bandung, Surabaya, Jakarta, Palembang, Batam, Medan, Aceh up to the cities in Bali. Free sex is very prone to happen and of course pregnancy is the one thing that haunts them.

Some may not care about preventing pregnancy and instead think of ways to abort content in the uterus. This mode is not worth it other than in terms of religion, the general public also refused to take action abortion.

Of the several reasons why we consider it necessary to reveal how the best way to prevent pregnancy. It is important that husbands and wives get the information they need to prevent and delay pregnancy and adolescents were aware of the risk free sex they did so to prevent pregnancy is more unthinkable than the only way abortionist disadvantage to women.

Prevent pregnancy by coitus Interuptus

What is coitus Interuptus, how can this technique is effective in preventing pregnancy? Interuptus coitus methods are also known as coitus interrupted method. This technique can prevent pregnancy by before ejaculation in men, a man must withdraw his penis from the vagina so that no drop of sperm into the woman's womb. However, although this technique can prevent pregnancy, some studies claim success interuptus coitus techniques to prevent pregnancy is strongly influenced by the ability of a man to feel the signs of ejaculation and the speed to stretch the penis and vagina get an orgasm out. Because so many men who do not know exactly when he ejaculates, the percentage of prevention of pregnancy with this technique becomes very small. If there was a drop of sperm into the vagina, the chances of a pregnancy and the transmission of HIV AIDS (in free sex) is still relatively high.

Preventing pregnancy with the Technical Calendar

Prevention of pregnancy by using the calendar very closely related to the ability of a woman to know the fertile period. As has been discussed previously, sperm can live a maximum of three to five days in the womb of a woman to wait for ovulation and immediately fertilize the egg. With the calendar technique, a woman is expected to prevent pregnancy by abstaining from intercourse at the time 3 to 5 days before the fertile period and two days after the fertile period (the egg can live for two days maximum). Same as the previous method, this technique prevents pregnancy by not having the success percentage to 100% due to a miscalculation of fertility that is not proper.

Prevent pregnancy with intrauterine device

Contraceptive use is the single most sensible thing. Although the success rate for preventing pregnancy approaches 100%, much of our society are reluctant to use contraceptives. Pregnancy-prevention tools such as:

*Preventing pregnancy with condoms
Condoms are a favorite way to prevent pregnancy. Low prices and free sale of condoms is a powerful way that campaigned for the government to prevent pregnancy or to avoid HIV / AIDS. However, this method proved too often failed in an attempt to prevent pregnancy. Pregnancy usually occur because the sperm leak or at the time after ejaculation and men less cautious in pulling his penis. Sperm usually seeps into the vagina through the base of the penis.

*Preventing pregnancy with birth control pills
Pill is one other option to prevent pregnancy. Are deemed effective as birth control pills to prevent pregnancy is usually a combination pill that contains hormones to prevent pregnancy. PIL KB itself works to prevent pregnancy by protecting the ovaries not to release the egg. If the egg has already loose, the Pill will prevent the egg cells embedded in the uterus.

*Preventing pregnancy with implant / Norplant
Almost the same as birth control pills, implant / Norplant after implanted in a woman's body will issue a birth control hormones continuously. Some sources claim the success of pregnancy prevention with this technique reached almost 99%.

*Preventing pregnancy with Injection
How to prevent pregnancies with this technique is a way to inject the drug Depo Provera which contains hormoan into a woman's body in a certain time. Usually women who want to prevent pregnancy were given two options to do injections on a monthly or quarterly basis. Same with birth control pills and the implant, the success rate of this method to prevent pregnancy nearly reached 99%.

*Preventing pregnancy with diaphragm and hood of the uterine cervix

This technique works to prevent pregnancy by entering the diaphragm / bonnet rubber into bagina six hours before intercourse. The diaphragm works by preventing the entry of sperm into the womb / uterus. The diaphragm is usually also equipped with a spermicide to kill sperm and prevent pregnancy. Since the installation of the diaphragm is difficult, you should consult with appropriate specialists in order to mate.

*Preventing pregnancy with Sterile technique

Percentage of success for preventing pregnancy in this way would reach 100%, however, usually to regain pregnancy is a difficult way to do. Sterile method is divided into two: Operation Method Man Woman and Method of Operation. Both methods performed by an operation by content specialists. In the women carried the ring on the installation of termination or the oviduct to prevent release of egg cells arrive in the ovary to the uterus.

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